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Sunday, 31 May 2015


Trend updated for-Jun/01/2015.CMP-140 The Zinc is in long- term bull phase .Currently Zinc is in strong downtrend but volume is unsatisfactory The open interest is not increasing with trend . Noting point is selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Zinc is in SELL position.Positionally Support for the Zinc is 135-134-.Resistance for the Zinc is 142-144-146- For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 TAKE 2 DAYS FREE TRIAl HURRY UP!!!


Trend updated for-Jun/01/2015.CMP-170 Overall trend of the Naturalgas is bearish for medium-long term.Currently Naturalgas is showing some down move and trend is strong momentum is also showing strength and supported with good volume The open interest is not increasing with trend . Caution note selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Naturalgas is in SELL position.Positionally Immediate support for Naturalgas is 169.Resistance for the Naturalgas is 174-175-181-184-186- For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 JOIN US TODAY AND TAKE 2 DAYS FREE TRIAL!!


Trend updated for-Jun/01/2015.CMP-3869 The Crudeoil is in perfect uptrend .Currently Crudeoil is in strong downtrend with good momentum but volume is unsatisfactory The open interest is not increasing with trend .. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Crudeoil is in SELL position.Positionally Support for the Crudeoil is 3784-3770-3769-3520-3364-3272-. Immediate resistance for Crudeoil is 3981 For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 JOIN US TODAY AND TAKE 2 DAYS FREE TRIAL!!!


Trend updated for-Jun/01/2015.CMP-26860 The Gold is in long- medium- term bull phase .Currently Gold is moving sideways The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The oscillator is showing SELL signal .In last 1 month volatality is very less Buy the Gold above 27796 or buy with strict stop at 26605. The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Gold is in HOLD SHORT position.Positionally Support for the Gold is 26734-26691-26495-.Resistance for the Gold is 27181-27212-27274- For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


सोना हुआ 300 रुपए सस्ता, आगे और दाम घटने की उम्मीद अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाजार में सोने और चांदी की कीतमों में फिर से गिरावट गहरा गई है। अमेरिकी डॉलर की तेजी से सोने की चमक फीकी पड़ी है। बाजार में सितंबर से फेडरल रिजर्व के ब्याज दरें बढ़ने की अटकलें है। साथ ही ग्रीस संकट पर चिंताएं फिर से बढ़ने के चलते यूरो में कमजोरी है। इन दोनों कारणों से डॉलर में तेज सुधार देखने को मिला है। जिसका असर सोने और चांदी की कीमतों पर है। घरेलू वायदा बाजार में भी सोना 2300 रुपए तक सस्ता होकर 27,000 रुपए प्रति दस ग्राम के नीचे फिसल गई है। बाजार के जानकार मानते है कि अगले तीन महीने तक सोने और चांदी की कीमतों पर दबाव रहेगा, और दाम 26,000 रुपए तक आ सकती है। सोना की कीमतें 26,000 रुपए तक आने की उम्मीद पैराडाइम कमोडिटी के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी बीरेन वकील ने कहा कि मई और जून में अकसर सोने की मांग कम जोती है। वहीं अमेरिका में ब्याज दरें बढ़ने की संभावना है, जिस कारण आने वाले दिनों में सोने की कीमतें 26,000 रुपए के नीचे फिसल सकती हैं। वकील के मुताबिक चालू वर्ष की तीसरी तिमाही में सोने की मांग बढ़ेगी और कीमतों में उछाल आएगा। जानकार की राय केडिया कमोडिटी के एमडी अजय केडिया कहते है कि डिमांड में कमी और अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाजार में सोने के दाम गिरने से घरेलू बाजार में भी कीमतें कम रहने की उम्मीद है। सोने की मांग 50 फीसदी तक घट गई है। केडिया ने बताया कि ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में लोगों की खरीददारी क्षमता घटी है, इसलिए शादी का सीजन होने के बावजूद मांग गिरी है। अगर किसी को सोना खरीदना है तो थोड़ा इंतजार करें, सोने की कीमतें और कम हो सकती हैं। अजय केडिया के मुताबिक अगर आपको 1 लाख रुपए का सोना खरीदना है तो अभी 50,000 रुपए का खरीद सकते हैं और कुछ दिनों बाद बाकी निवेश करें। डॉलर इंडेक्स में तेजी अमेरिकी में उम्मीद से बेहतर आंकड़ों के चलते डॉलर इंडेक्स एक महीने के ऊंचाई पर पहुंच गया है। फिलहाल अन्य मुख्य करेंसी के मुकाबले डॉलर 97 के स्तर पर कारोबार कर रहा है। वहीं, यूरो के मुकाबले डॉलर 8 साल के नए शिखर पर है। पैराडाइम कमोडिटी के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी बीरेन वकील के मुताबिक अगले तीन-चार महीनों में डॉलर इंडेक्स 100 के पार पहुंच सकता है। Join Out Bullion Tips & Commodity tips And Get Daily Profit With Our Trading Tips


Trend updated for-May/27/2015.CMP-38510 The Silver is in long- medium- short-medium- term bull phase .Currently Silver is moving sideways The oscillator is on SELL signal and Silver is coming down from overbought level and has moved down its previous low with good volume points to a negative break out . The oscillator is on SELL signal and Silver is coming down from overbought level For short term Silver is in SELL position and Silver closed below 1 week low with volume signals down breakout.Positionally Support for the Silver is 37936-37416-37302-37025-.Resistance for the Silver is 39078-39558- JOIN OUR COMMODITY TIPS, BULLION TIPS, FREE STOCK TIPS, OPTION TIPS, EQUITY TIPS For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUBSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!! OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!


Trend updated for-May/27/2015.CMP-814 Overall trend of the Nickel is bearish for medium-long term .Currently Nickel is in strong downtrend but volume is unsatisfactory The open interest is not increasing with trend . Noting point is selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Nickel is in SELL position.Positionally Immediate support for Nickel is 801.Resistance for the Nickel is 843-849-858-866-870-876- JOIN OUR COMMODITY TIPS, BULLION TIPS, FREE STOCK TIPS, OPTION TIPS, EQUITY TIPS For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUBSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!! OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!


Trend updated for-May/27/2015.CMP-26892 The Gold is in long- medium- term bull phase .Currently Gold is moving sideways The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The oscillator is showing SELL signal and has moved down its previous low with good volume points to a negative break out . The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The Gold is now trading in overbought level. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Gold is in HOLD SHORT position and Gold closed below 1 week low with volume signals down breakout.Positionally Support for the Gold is 26698-26667-26485-.Resistance for the Gold is 27166-27283-27396- JOIN OUR COMMODITY TIPS, BULLION TIPS, FREE STOCK TIPS, OPTION TIPS, EQUITY TIPS For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUBSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!! OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!


Trend updated for-May/27/2015.CMP-394 The Copper is in long- medium- term bull phase .Currently Copper is in strong downtrend with good momentum but volume is unsatisfactory The open interest is not increasing with trend . Noting point is selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Copper is in SELL position.Positionally Support for the Copper is 389-380-374-.Resistance for the Copper is 405-407-411 JOIN OUR COMMODITY TIPS, BULLION TIPS, FREE STOCK TIPS, OPTION TIPS, EQUITY TIPS For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUBSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!! OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!


Trend updated for-May/27/2015.CMP-110 Overall trend of the Aluminium is bearish for medium-long term .Currently Aluminium is in strong downtrend but volume is unsatisfactory The open interest is not increasing with trend . Noting point is selling at lower levels seems decreasing. The oscillator is showing SELL signal For short term Aluminium is in SELL position.Positionally Immediate support for Aluminium is 110.Resistance for the Aluminium is 113-114-116-117- JOIN OUR COMMODITY TIPS, BULLION TIPS, FREE STOCK TIPS, OPTION TIPS, EQUITY TIPS For more details visit: http://www.capitalstroke.com/ or contact on 0731-3299704 SUBSCRIBE OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!! OUR SERVICES TODAY HURRY UP!!